Monday, March 3, 2014

Say Cheese!

Ever heard this song before?

We were strangers starting out on our journey
Never dreaming what we'd have to go through
Now here we are and I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you

No one told me I was going to find you
Unexpected what you did to my heart
When I lost hope you were there to remind me
This is the start.

We were strangers on a crazy adventure
Never dreaming how our dreams would come true
Now here we stand unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you.

I knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me alone in the dark
I know that my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing's gonna tear us apart.

And Life is a road and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road now and forever
Wonderful journey

I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

In the end I wanna be standing at the beginning with you

It's from Anastasia, in case you were wondering. Credits.

It also happens to be an extremely cheesy song. Look at that last line again? Talk about nonsensical garbage. But we like it anyway. It's cute. It may be cheesy, but it's cute. So it doesn't matter.


Here's my problem with some outlooks: if a song has a serious message and states it bluntly, we call it cheesy. Yet—and don't get my wrong, I love this song—things like this with no decipherable meaning we think are cute even though, yes, it's cheesy too.

What's with the double standard, people? Yeah, some songs just sound horribly cheesy. There's no way to get around that. But don't think that just because a song is teaching you good morals, it's also cheesy. It's all about your perspective.

You may never be able to look at this song the same way again. Sorry. But you're in control of how you allow music—or many other forms of media—to reach you. If you'd like to blissfully ignore the uplifting things around you simply because they make you feel all fuzzy inside (oh noes! the fuzzies!) and that makes you feel soft or vulnerable or exposed, fine. But I certainly wouldn't recommend it.

Remember that little chat we had about listening to yourself? Your heart? Well, do it. And the fuzzies are your heart talking. Don't push it away. Don't harden your heart—if you feel a little bullheaded as you read this...well, that's the hardening. Oops.

I just say this because I happen to like cheesy things. Romantic, no. Cheesy, yes. Songs and poems that teach you to do right. And I think way too many people in this world seem to be afraid of changing their hearts.

Friends will always see you through,
Believe in things you want to do,
Feel happy when your dreams come true,
That's just the way friends are.

Friends will always be right there,
With wisdom, faith, and strength to share,
With love that shows how much they care,
That's just the way friends are.

Yeah. Super cheesy. But it makes me want to be a better friend, and a better person. I love this poem. It's on my bedroom wall. No kidding, it's lame and stupid by the world's standards, but that's because the world has no standards. I do.

Your perspective is what matters. You can let everything be cheesy, or a few things, or nothing. I choose to look past the cheesiness of anything I find and if it has value, it's not cheesy. Not to me.

Don't push away the things that prick your heart. Your heart always knows better than your mind.

Hmm. This is a bit weird. I want to disagree with this whole post. I guess that's kind of the point. Instinctively, this post will be rejected. You might need to test this one out before you decide what you think.
I have a terrible tendency to simplify things. This has been really, really simplified. Things can be cheesy and likeable. You can accept that something is cheesy, but also enjoy it.
Note: Not everything has value. I once took great pleasure in ripping to shreds a piece of choir sheet music that was one of the worst pieces I've ever had the displeasure to lay eyes on. Something about cheerful butterflies?

To Be Free

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will.
—Mahatma Gandhi

You don't know it, but what you aren't doing right now that you know you should be will make you feel more happy and free what what you're doing right now.

Think your little vice makes you happy? Free?

It's all mind games, people. It's all in your head.

You can use all the logic arguments you want to deny the prison your vice is trapping you in, butit won't work. The fact remains: Until you deny yourself that thing the body but the spirit doesn't, you will not be free.

Who are you? You are not your body, believe or not. You are your spirit. Your heart. And one thing you should regularly do is show your body whose boss. Experts say that fasting once a month is beneficial to your health, even though it doesn't seem all that fun at the time. Show your body that it isn't more powerful than you and your mind. It isn't your master.

The world—particularly America—is playing mind games with itself. Remember that little freedom of choice thing that's so important to all of us? Freedom of choice, people! I can do whatever I want! I will do everything people tell me I shouldn't do just because I can. I have that right.

This is basically the worst kind of reverse psychology known to man. We want to be free, so we do things that make us free. Only it turns out these things are chaining us to them.

There are two kinds of failures going on here: failure to act, and failure to listen.

Failure to act: One way that people consider themselves free is by sitting at home, no work, no school, no anything, and they let everyone else do the hard work because...well...they can. Some of us have had unfortunately health effects of this, particularly, obesity. You're not happier sitting at home in front of your TV that running at the gym. It may seem like it, when you haven't tried running at the gym, but it's not true. You might be really surprised by how great you feel when you stumble off the treadmill.

Failure to listen: This is the important one. This encompasses everything that we do that isn't beneficial, but we do it because it's fun or because our friends are doing it. It makes us 'free' to go partying all night. Never mind the fact that my body is going to force me to go back later because it needs another drink or another girl, or that I'm going to be half out of commission tomorrow because of a hangover and lack of sleep. I'm free.

See the problem?

Interestingly, in many years of observing this phenomenon, I've discovered that those who are obedient—to laws, to their parents, to their instincts—are the most free people in the world. Many think that rules are walls in our lives, but they're not. Rules exist for a reason: to give the maximum number of people the maximum happiness.

And kids: you're parents are smarter than you. No matter what you think.

It's incredible how many people get through most if not all of their lives, and never figure out this simple principle. Do what you're supposed to, and things will turn out all right. It should be a no brainer, but a lot of people miss the bus.

Interestingly, obedience, which many consider to be a chaining concept, is actually the most freeing one. Believe if or not, people can go their whole lives without ever going to a bar, or a club, or smoking, or trying an illegal substance, even drinking coffee(which can be addictive), and can be happy. Happier than those who have done all those things.

Don't be afraid to follow the rules. It doesn't make you a conformist—you can still think out of the box all you want, and I would encourage it. Interestingly, many of the things I listed above dim your ability to think freely.

Don't conform. But be obedient. Do it for yourself. Even if you don't get why the rule is even in place, follow it. It's satisfying.

It also makes the world a bit of a better place.


Okay, if you totally don't agree with this post, you haven't tried the things it's telling you to try. If your liberal lifestyle is what motivates you, that's fine. But you might want to look into a few of the things you do and figure out why, exactly, you do them. If it's just to satisfy your body, you're losing a battle. If it's to escape the ugliness of the world, you're losing a battle. You live in this world. Face it head-on. Make the best of it by acting.

If something is missing in your life, a little hole in your conscience that you may not even feel most of the time...well, this might be your patch.

Action is Proof

Faith, hope, and charity are active principles. If we do not do them, we do not have them. It's that simple. —Janet Tanner

We all need to remind ourselves of this concept every now and again. Action is proof of your willingness to change. It's also proof of what you believe. You can say “I don't believe in lying” all you want, but that holds you to the obligation to do what you say and not lie. Although the quote for this post only relates three principles in life, the concept is much bigger than that.

I hate to criticize, but if a group of people tells you that it's all about one thing that you think or say at one time, and that makes all the difference, walk away. The only things in your life that are important to you are the ones that you live, continually. The things that stick in your heart even when things are hard,in fact, they are the things that come to you mostly when things are hard. They are the things that are going to give you place and purpose for the rest of your life and beyond.

We're talked about the-hard-path. It's worth it. Some people will try to give you ways to cheat life, they will tell you how you can be happiest with the least amount of effort. That's no different and no more realistic than a get-rich-quick-scheme. It's a sale, and that's all.

Most things in life are only worth the time and effort that you put into them. If you don't make sacrifices to be happy, you're happiness won't be all that wonderful.

If you haven't sacrificed for love, you haven't loved very much.

Not only is cheap happiness fake, it's counterproductive. If you are settling, you're missing out. Remember how I said that happiness is basically unattainable—something we must continually strive for? It's true. Never settle for the happiness you've got. There's something better out there.

Action is the action word of action words, and action is proof of what really matters to you. If you realize something is right, and you don't act on it, you are missing the ferry. It must not mean that much to you.

This can be a difficult reality for some; they'd rather watch from the sidelines than run the race. They think they are safe there.

Well, know this: you are in this race, whether you want to be or not. Pretending to be a bystander won't dismiss you from the expectation to finish it.

You are not safe to stand at the side and pretend you aren't involved. Do you want to reflect on your life and realize that it was good for nothing?

The only way to satisfy your conscience is to keep on moving, keep on acting. Endure. Pick what's important to you, put it in your backpack, and carry it to the finish line. Make sure that what is in your bag is what really matters.

Prove. Prove to yourself, and prove to the people around you, that whatever you are staring in the face is important to you. Don't just sit here! If you have a guilty conscience about anything in your life, every single one of your possible solutions involves acting. If it doesn't, your conscience is going to remain muddled.

If you're putting off doing something you know you need to do, JUST DO IT.


Confidence is a key aspect in life. Once you're an adult, you should know who you are. You should hold yourself accountable to You, in addition to whoever else you might be accountable to. If you know that something is wrong, act against it. If you know something is right, do it. You are a judge of your actions. You know what you feel.

Listen to yourself.

If there's no reason to wait, stop waiting.

“Come Boldly.”

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
—Henry David Thoreau

It's time to take confidence where you feel weak. It's time to turn to your weaknesses and failures with and eye to the future and say, “You're here. I may not be able to change that. So let's see what I can do with you.” Just because a part of you looks like a weakness doesn't mean it is. Turn it into a strength. It's all you, baby.

Let's change the way we think.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightening about shrinking so other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some; it’s in all, everyone. And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
—Nelson Mandela

This speech was given in, what, 1994? Why hasn't the whole world acted on it yet? Mandela is right. We are whoever we want to be. It's never to late to be something. Be anything.

Come Boldly. Speak your mind. Listen to your heart. Watch for the day.

Be the voice of reason in a world without rules.

Always exemplify the person you wish you were. It's the only way to become what you want to become.

Where you have weaknesses you cannot eliminate, change. Make yourself your best. No weakness is only a weakness when you know how to bring yourself down into the depths of humility, accept what you cannot change, and rise from the dust with weapons of confidence.

Moses had a speech impediment.
Helen Keller was deaf and blind.
Stephen Hawking can hardly move or speak.

What can you do?


I know this was a short one, but it's a quick concept. When you look at the people around you, what are you waiting for? How are you not your best? You are a Masterpiece.
Work with what you've got.